Tuesday, September 13, 2011

!!! Nothing Lasts Forever !!!

It's the notion of human nature that once tripped in a path he will never be able to walk that lane with his head held high, it will be a subconscious effort to keep looking down and walk even if the obstacle is removed.
Just as, after being in a disappointing relationship, its hard for a person to be in other relationships in the same way. There is no scale, or any calculation form in this world which will help us find the right person, with the right compatibility and loyalty.

So, no matter what your previous relationships taught you, it is very important to be "just" the way "you" are in every relationship you have, because being calculative towards people, you might share a bright future with, will never let you fall in love as you should be or never let you connect with your partner in a way you should.

"Love" is to be "in love" hopelessly and unconditionally and I have learned this gradually that there is no other way to be in love than this one. Loving someone with your heart and soul, giving your best in a relationship, is the way to be specially for the happiness of that moment.
In case your loved one turns out to be the jerk, so what? No person in this world comes with a certificate of loyalty nor can we expect love to come with a guarantee card.

Love; Sometimes it stay, sometimes it fades away, sometimes its snatched, other times it gets destroyed, sometimes you fall out of it, and other times it simply cease to exist.
But helplessness is what you feel when it comes to deciding whether you should give your hundred percent in your next relationship, scared is what you feel to be vulnerable again and allow someone to be close to you.

I wonder then why should it stop us to be ourself, nothing stays forever, even the strongest of love changes gets mature and become something even more beautiful, why cease to hope then and why stop ourselves from taking this beautiful though turbulent journey yet again.
As I belive there is no other way to be in a relationship then being hundred percent involved in it and any calculative approach towards it is just waste of time, you rather not be in a relationship then being in one and keep thinking should you give more or should you give less.

If life has been harsh, if love has hurt too much, if the trust was betrayed way too many times, if the traces of past still makes you cry your self to sleep at times, don't worry, its a phase it will pass, the light will shine again and eclipse will be over, Love will surely enter again in your life and then you should be whole as new and not restrain .... flow with the moment ... because we are not meant to live without love.......then..... why try the other way?

Because for better or for worse but surely - Nothing Lasts Forever

Written By: Ritika Patel "In Love"

1 comment:

  1. Quite thoughtful one. Just keep moving on coz life is beautiful...


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