That was the night of love…..
When you walked away….
I was standing there praying
That you will look back….
But you never bothered to do so.
I was standing there praying
That I could see the love in u that lacked…
But you never bothered to show so.
That was the night of the judgment of my life…
When you walked away….
We fought, we shouted, we screamed.
You were upset…
But I was happy…
After ages I had your full attention….
That was the night of beginnings of all endings…
When you walked away..
Why did u left me behind..
How could you leave me behind…
When I was your mornings..
Your nights..
Your heart..
Your life….
But you never understood…
You were my soul….
Every possible reason for me to live….
That was the night ….I died..
The very night you walked away..
You simply walked away…
And with your every step which moved away from me…
You erased every reason for my life to exist….