Monday, August 10, 2020


Sitting cross-legged on my porch

This lockdown had me engrossed

In the upheavals within the soul

As I sit staring at the morning rays

Watching them spill over the surfaces of childhood memories

I pick each one, one by one

I look at them, upside down

I take what’s to be kept and shake away the rotten


Sitting cross-legged on my porch

I await the signs as I call upon you

The thoughts of you, have me dancing on my toes

Lyrics of sappy songs running in loop

Insides of my heart and mind shine with the glow

The glow I waited for you to come and pour

I thought I will have to travel places

To learn and unlearn life and love 


But all I needed to do is to sit cross-legged on my porch 

with a hand over my heart

Smile to let my insides shine for everything outside to glow!

Written - With a Smile!

Image Credits


  1. The moon shined, the sky nodded and our glances chorused with joy. Shine now - Shine free - There's light to wrap our hearts and everything is to glow ♥

    Ritz, this is VB from - Just visited you back from 2011. I hope this message from a decade finds you and finds you well.

  2. Hi, your comment did found me and found me well!!
    Beautiful words you shared !!


Words Good or Bad makes a difference .... yours will make too....


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