Thursday, September 24, 2009

!!! Reasons to Smile !!!

Getting off the swing
I turned around
I felt like choking
Looking for my teddy on the ground

I haven’t lost a thing ever
How can I lose my favorite teddy
Is it god teaching me a lesson?
Oh, my smile has lost all reasons!!

In the haste of finding my teddy
I lost my friend too
She was there when my teddy was there
Now she is gone too
Oh, I hate this spring season
It made my smile lose all reason

From the corner of my eye I caught her view
Carrying my favorite candy
Glowing as a drop of dew
Handing the candy in my hand
She pointed the little child sitting on the path
She urged me to do something which I can’t
Nevertheless I did it as she was my best friend

Giving my candy to the little child
I turned around to look at her and Sigh!!
I felt something as he caught my hand
Looking in his eyes I can see the feeling of thanks!!

I did something which I thought I lost
I couldn’t help my lips turning into a curve
You have to make your own reasons, I learned
And so your smile will never be lost.

I blinked my eyes, to clear my vision
Looking at the broken swing;
Remembering the past I sat below the old tree,
That was when I was five; I still don’t feel fifty,
Since then I have a list of things I lost,
Some were priceless-
And many things- which do have a cost,

But every time I lose something
I become sure that this moment is last
And then I turn a corner from my home
There it is the shop of my favorite candy bar

Smile is not a person; smile is not a thing,
Smile is definitely not a season,
Nor it is a feeling
Smile is a proof of your liveliness,
Proof that you still can feel,

My poem will look like a story of fiction
But trust me smile does not need a reason
Though it is fiction but it is also true,
Smile for your self, the reason is You.

Written By - Ritika Patel

1 comment:

Words Good or Bad makes a difference .... yours will make too....


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